Uber H3 Spatial Index

Uber H3 Spatial Index#

This example demonstrates the Uber H3 hexagonal hierarchical spatial index.

πŸ’Ό Background#

A spatial index is a structured collection of shapes that allows you to approximately describe any region by simply taking a subset of shapes from that index. The H3 library, developed by Uber as an open source project, uses hexagons to divide up the earth into cells. H3 is hierarchical, meaning that there are multiple resolutions of hexagonal meshes dividing the earth. Depending on the resolution, these hexagonal cells range from ~1m^2 to ~4,000,000km^2.

The coarsest mesh in H3, the base resolution mesh, consists of 110 hexagons and 12 pentagons, this is the starting point in a hierarchical sequence of hexagonal meshes. Its structure is built on top of a base icosahedron, the relationship between the base icosahedron and the base resolution mesh informs the structure of the meshes of the further meshes in the sequence. Note that, a spherical surface cannot be tessellated solely with hexagons; pentagons are also required.

The 12 vertices of the underlying base icosahedron anchor the center of the 12 pentagon cells, around which the 110 hexagon cells are tessellated to form a fixed base mesh. Note that the center of all pentagons are located over ocean, which suits the business model of Uber. Incidentally, these are the locations of most projection distortion.

H3 is a hierarchical geospatial index. Each cell has a unique 64-bit H3Index that identifies its geospatial location and position in the H3 hierarchy. Every parent hexagonal cell is subdivided into 7 child hexagonal cells, and every parent pentagon cell is subdivided into 6 child cells, precisely one of which is a pentagon.

From the coarsest base resolution, consisting of 122 cells, there are a further 15 increasingly higher resolution hierarchical child meshes. The finest resolution mesh consists of 569,707,381,193,162 cells, with each resolution always containing 12 pentagon cells centered over the base icosahedron vertices.

The average area of a base (coarsest) resolution hexagonal polyhedron cell is ~4,357,449 km^2, whereas the average area of the finest resolution hexagonal cell is ~0.895 m^2.

Given a H3Index, it is trivial to calculate the resolution, location and neighbours of a cell, as well as all its child cells and parent cell. Note that, the neighbours of a hexagon or a pentagon cell in a tessellated mesh are equidistant, unlike a mesh consisting of triangular or rectangular cells.

This example renders the H3 base resolution mesh and the next 3 child resolutions in the hierarchy, along with the base icosahedron and its projected edges on the sphere.

Natural Earth coastlines are rendered to clarify geolocation, along with a Natural Earth base layer.

The visibility of each actor, apart from the coastlines, can be toggled interactively via checkbox buttons, allowing the viewer to easily explore the relationship between the geometric objects rendered in the scene.

For further information see https://h3geo.org/.

Tags: Coastlines Globe Texture Unstructured

πŸ¦‰ Walk-Through#

First, let’s import the package dependencies required by the example.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from itertools import combinations

    import h3
except ImportError:
    emsg = (
        "Missing optional dependency 'h3' is required for the "
        "`uber_h3.py` example. Use pip or conda to install."
    raise ImportError(emsg) from None

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from pyvista import Actor, PolyData

import geovista
from geovista.geodesic import line
import geovista.theme

As a convenience, we create some type aliases and data containers to simplify the code and improve readability. Firstly, the H3Asset container holds the various VTK actors that will be rendered within the scene.

#: Missing Data Indicator
MDI = -1

#: Type alias
H3AssetLike = str | PolyData
H3Indexes = set[str]

class H3Asset:
    """Data container of Uber H3 assets."""

    icosahedron: H3AssetLike
    icosahedron_edges: H3AssetLike
    resolution_0: H3AssetLike
    resolution_1: H3AssetLike
    resolution_2: H3AssetLike
    resolution_3: H3AssetLike
    base_layer: H3AssetLike

The GeoSurface container holds the geometry and topology of the H3 base icosahedron.

class GeoSurface:
    """Geometry and topology of a geo-located surface."""

    lons: ArrayLike
    lats: ArrayLike
    connectivity: ArrayLike

The generate_icosahedron_surface function generates the geometry and topology of the H3 base icosahedron, which is the foundation of the entire Uber H3 spatial index.

def generate_icosahedron_surface(resolution: int | None = 0) -> GeoSurface:
    """Find the location and connectivity of all pentagon cells.

    For each ``resolution`` there will always be 12 pentagons,
    centered at the vertices of the underlying (Platonic solid)

    resolution : int
       The resolution of the Uber H3 mesh.

       The lat/lon cell centers of the pentagon cells and the
       icosahedron face connectivity.

    pairs = [h3.cell_to_latlng(cell) for cell in sorted(h3.get_pentagons(resolution))]
    lats, lons = list(zip(*pairs, strict=True))

    # An icosahedron contains 20 equilateral triangle faces,
    # 12 vertices and 30 edges.
    connectivity = [
        [0, 1, 2],
        [0, 3, 1],
        [0, 2, 4],
        [0, 4, 5],
        [0, 5, 3],
        [1, 6, 2],
        [1, 3, 7],
        [1, 7, 6],
        [2, 6, 8],
        [2, 8, 4],
        [4, 8, 10],
        [4, 10, 5],
        [5, 10, 9],
        [5, 9, 3],
        [3, 9, 7],
        [11, 6, 7],
        [11, 8, 6],
        [11, 10, 8],
        [11, 9, 10],
        [11, 7, 9],

    return GeoSurface(lons=lons, lats=lats, connectivity=connectivity)

The GeoSurface created by the generate_icosahedron_surface function is then used to create a pyvista.PolyData mesh containing only the geodesic edges of the base icosahedron.

Rendering these geodesic edges will help clarify to the viewer the position of the underlying icosahedron even when it is obscured by a texture mapped base layer.

def generate_geodesic_edges(surface: GeoSurface) -> PolyData:
    """Create the mesh of icosahedron geodesic edges.

    surface : GeoSurface
       The 12 lat/lon vertices and connectivity of the 20 icosahedron faces.

        The mesh of icosahedron geodesic edges.

    # Generate the set of 30 unique vertex index pairs defining
    # the icosahedron edges.
    segments = set()
    for vertices in surface.connectivity:
        pairs = [tuple(sorted(pair)) for pair in combinations(vertices, 2)]

    # Create the geodesic lines between each edge vertex.
    meshes = []
    for idx0, idx1 in segments:
        lons = [surface.lons[idx0], surface.lons[idx1]]
        lats = [surface.lats[idx0], surface.lats[idx1]]
        meshes.append(line(lons, lats))

    # Combine the geodesic lines into one mesh.
    return meshes[0].append_polydata(*meshes[1:])

The to_children function generates all the child cells at the next (finer) resolution for each parent cell represented in the set of H3Index strings.

def to_children(h3indexes: H3Indexes) -> H3Indexes:
    """Determine the child cells of the parent cells.

    The child hexagon/pentagon cells will be at the next
    resolution (finer) of the parent cell resolution (coarser).

    Note that, a hexagon parent has 7 children, whereas a pentagon
    parent only has 6 children. A pentagon parent will always
    contain a pentagon child. A hexagon parent will never contain
    a pentagon child.

    h3indexes : set of str
       One or more 64-bit ``H3Index`` strings of parent cells.

    set of str
        The children cell indexes.

    result = set()
    children = [h3.cell_to_children(h3index) for h3index in h3indexes]

    return result

The to_mesh function converts a set of H3Index strings, each of which represent a cell from the same resolution in the Uber H3 spatial hierarchy, into a pyvista.PolyData mesh surface.

Together, the to_children and to_mesh functions can be used to generate the mesh surface of any resolution in the Uber H3 spatial hierarchy.

def to_mesh(h3indexes: H3Indexes) -> PolyData:
    """Create a mesh surface for the provided Uber H3 cells.

    h3indexes : set of str
        One or more 64-bit ``H3Index`` strings, specifying each
        cell to add to the mesh.

        The H3 mesh surface.

    nverts, lats, lons = [], [], []

    # Get the lat/lon vertices of each H3Index cell polygon.
    for h3index in h3indexes:
        boundary = h3.cell_to_boundary(h3index)
        boundary_lats, boundary_lons = zip(*boundary, strict=True)

    # Create an empty cell connectivity for the mesh filled
    # with MDI. Note that, each cell may contain a variable
    # number of vertices.
    shape = (len(nverts), np.max(nverts))
    connectivity = np.ones(shape, dtype=int) * MDI

    # Now populate the connectivity with the cell indices.
    start = 0
    for i, step in enumerate(nverts):
        connectivity[i, :step] = range(start, start + step)
        start += step

    # Create the mesh from the H3 geometry and topology.
    connectivity = ma.masked_equal(connectivity, MDI)

    return geovista.Transform.from_unstructured(lons, lats, connectivity=connectivity)

The add_checkboxes function adds a checkbox button widget to the plotter for each H3Asset actor, which includes the following:

  • A Natural Earth texture mapped base layer.

  • The icosahedron surface.

  • The icosahedron geodesic edges.

  • The base resolution mesh (coarsest).

  • The next 3 child resolution meshes (increasingly finer).

def add_checkboxes(
    plotter: geovista.GeoPlotter, colors: H3Asset, actors: H3Asset
) -> None:
    """Render the checkbox for each ``H3Asset``.

    A checkbox is created for each actor that allows the
    visibility of the actor to be toggled on/off within the
    `plotter` scene.

    plotter : GeoPlotter
       The plotter to render the checkboxes.
    colors : H3Asset
       The color of each checkbox asset.
    actors : H3Asset
       The VTK actors to be toggled by each checkbox.

    color_off = "white"
    size, pad = 30, 3
    x, y = 10, 10
    offset = size * 0.2

    def callback(actor: Actor, flag: bool) -> None:

    for i, slot in enumerate(sorted(H3Asset.__slots__)):
            partial(callback, getattr(actors, slot)),
            color_on=getattr(colors, slot),
            position=(x, y + i * (size + pad)),

        title = " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in slot.split("_")])
        x_offset = x + size + offset
        y_offset = y + i * (size + pad) + offset
            position=(x_offset, y_offset),
            color=getattr(colors, slot),


The checkboxes will not be rendered when viewing the documentation on ReadtheDocs, as the appropriate VTK widget is not supported in this headless environment.

Finally, we create the GeoPlotter and add the base icosahedron surface and geodesic edges, a Natural Earth base layer and coastlines.

We also use the h3.get_res0_cells() function to bootstrap the Uber H3 hierarchy by generating the H3Index strings for all the cells participating in the base (coarsest) resolution .

The to_mesh function is then used to convert the H3Index strings into a pyvista.PolyData mesh surface, which is then added to the plotter. The to_children function is then used to generate the H3Index strings for the next 3 child resolutions, which are then converted into mesh surfaces and also added to the plotter.

def main() -> None:
    """Plot the Uber H3 spatial index.

    .. versionadded:: 0.5.0

    color = H3Asset(

    indexes_resolution_0 = h3.get_res0_cells()
    mesh_resolution_0 = to_mesh(indexes_resolution_0)
    indexes_resolution_1 = to_children(indexes_resolution_0)
    mesh_resolution_1 = to_mesh(indexes_resolution_1)
    indexes_resolution_2 = to_children(indexes_resolution_1)
    mesh_resolution_2 = to_mesh(indexes_resolution_2)
    indexes_resolution_3 = to_children(indexes_resolution_2)
    mesh_resolution_3 = to_mesh(indexes_resolution_3)

    # Create the icosahedron surface.
    surface = generate_icosahedron_surface()
    icosahedron = geovista.Transform.from_unstructured(
        surface.lons, surface.lats, connectivity=surface.connectivity

    plotter = geovista.GeoPlotter()
    style = "wireframe"
    actor_base_layer = plotter.add_base_layer(
        texture=geovista.natural_earth_hypsometric(), zlevel=0
    actor_resolution_0 = plotter.add_mesh(
    actor_icosahedron_edges = plotter.add_mesh(
    actor_resolution_1 = plotter.add_mesh(
    actor_resolution_2 = plotter.add_mesh(
    actor_resolution_3 = plotter.add_mesh(
    actor_icosahedron = plotter.add_mesh(
        icosahedron, show_edges=True, color=color.icosahedron

    actor = H3Asset(
    add_checkboxes(plotter, color, actor)

        "Uber H3: Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index",

if __name__ == "__main__":
uber h3

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