
Provides graticule support and other geographical lines of interest for geolocation.


Added in version 0.3.0.

Module Contents#



Graticule composed of a block of meshes, labels and their points.



Generate labels for the meridians.

create_meridians([start, stop, step, lat_step, ...])

Generate graticule lines of constant longitude (meridians) with labels.

create_parallel_labels(lats[, poles_parallel])

Generate labels for the parallels.

create_parallels([start, stop, step, lon_step, ...])

Generate graticule lines of constant latitude (parallels) with labels.



Whether longitudes within half-closed [-180, 180) or closed [-180, 180] interval.


The default zlevel for graticule meridians and parallels.


The degree symbol label.


The east of the prime meridian label.


The north of the equatorial parallel label.


The south of the equatorial parallel label.


The west of the prime meridian label.


The default number of points in a line of latitude.


Whether to generate a north/south pole label.


Whether to generate parallels at the north/south poles.


The first graticule line of latitude (degrees).


The default step size between graticule parallels (degrees).


The period or upper bound (degrees) for parallel step size.


The last graticule line of latitude (degrees).


The default number of points in a meridian line.


The first meridian line in the graticule (degrees).


The default step size between graticule meridians (degrees).


The period or upper bound (degrees) for meridian step size.


The last graticule meridian (degrees).

class geovista.gridlines.GraticuleGrid[source]#

Graticule composed of a block of meshes, labels and their points.


Added in version 0.3.0.

blocks: pv#
labels: list[str]#
lonlat: numpy.typing.ArrayLike#
mask: numpy.typing.ArrayLike = None#

Generate labels for the meridians.

lonslist of float

The meridian lines that require a label of their location east or west relative to the prime meridian.

list of str

The sequence of string labels for each meridian line.


Added in version 0.3.0.

geovista.gridlines.create_meridians(start=None, stop=None, step=None, lat_step=None, n_samples=None, closed_interval=None, central_meridian=None, radius=None, zlevel=None, zscale=None)[source]#

Generate graticule lines of constant longitude (meridians) with labels.

startfloat, optional

The first line of longitude (degrees). The graticule will include this meridian. Defaults to LONGITUDE_START.

stopfloat, optional

The last line of longitude (degrees). The graticule will include this meridian when it is a multiple of step. Also see closed_interval. Defaults to LONGITUDE_STOP.

stepfloat, optional

The delta (degrees) between neighbouring meridians. Defaults to LONGITUDE_STEP.

lat_stepfloat, optional

The delta (degrees) between neighbouring parallels. Sets the frequency of the labels. Defaults to LATITUDE_STEP.

n_samplesint, optional

The number of points in a single line of longitude. Defaults to LONGITUDE_N_SAMPLES.

closed_intervalbool, default=False

Longitude values will be in the half-closed interval [-180, 180). Otherwise, longitudes will be in the closed interval [-180, 180]. Defaults to GRATICULE_CLOSED_INTERVAL.

central_meridianfloat, optional

The central meridian of the longitude range. Defaults to geovista.common.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere. Defaults to geovista.common.RADIUS.

zlevelint, optional

The z-axis level. Used in combination with the zscale to offset the radius by a proportional amount i.e., radius * zlevel * zscale. Defaults to GRATICULE_ZLEVEL.

zscalefloat, optional

The proportional multiplier for z-axis zlevel. Defaults to geovista.common.ZLEVEL_SCALE.


The graticule meridians and points with labels on those meridians.


Added in version 0.3.0.

geovista.gridlines.create_parallel_labels(lats, poles_parallel=None)[source]#

Generate labels for the parallels.

latslist of float

The lines of latitude that require a label of their location north or south relative to the equator.

poles_parallelbool, optional

Whether to generate a label for the north/south poles. Defaults to LATITUDE_POLES_PARALLEL.

list of str

The sequence of string labels for each line of latitude.


Added in version 0.3.0.

geovista.gridlines.create_parallels(start=None, stop=None, step=None, lon_step=None, n_samples=None, poles_parallel=None, poles_label=None, radius=None, zlevel=None, zscale=None)[source]#

Generate graticule lines of constant latitude (parallels) with labels.

startfloat, optional

The first line of latitude (degrees). The graticule will include this parallel. Also see poles_parallel. Defaults to LATITUDE_START.

stopfloat, optional

The last line of latitude (degrees). The graticule will include this parallel when it is a multiple of step. Also see poles_parallel. Defaults to LATITUDE_STOP.

stepfloat, optional

The delta (degrees) between neighbouring parallels. Defaults to LATITUDE_STEP.

lon_stepfloat, optional

The delta (degrees) between neighbouring meridians. Sets the frequency of the labels. Defaults to LONGITUDE_STEP.

n_samplesint, optional

The number of points in a single line of latitude. Defaults to LATITUDE_N_SAMPLES.

poles_parallelbool, optional

Whether to create a line of latitude at the north/south poles. Also see poles_label. Defaults to LATITUDE_POLES_PARALLEL.

poles_labelbool, optional

Whether to create a single north/south pole label. Only applies when poles_parallel=False. Defaults to LATITUDE_POLES_LABEL.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere. Defaults to geovista.common.RADIUS.

zlevelint, optional

The z-axis level. Used in combination with the zscale to offset the radius by a proportional amount i.e., radius * zlevel * zscale. Defaults to GRATICULE_ZLEVEL.

zscalefloat, optional

The proportional multiplier for z-axis zlevel. Defaults to geovista.common.ZLEVEL_SCALE.


The graticule parallels and points with labels on the parallels.


Added in version 0.3.0.

geovista.gridlines.GRATICULE_CLOSED_INTERVAL: bool = False#

Whether longitudes within half-closed [-180, 180) or closed [-180, 180] interval.

geovista.gridlines.GRATICULE_ZLEVEL: int = 1#

The default zlevel for graticule meridians and parallels.

geovista.gridlines.LABEL_DEGREE: str = '°'#

The degree symbol label.

geovista.gridlines.LABEL_EAST: str#

The east of the prime meridian label.

geovista.gridlines.LABEL_NORTH: str#

The north of the equatorial parallel label.

geovista.gridlines.LABEL_SOUTH: str#

The south of the equatorial parallel label.

geovista.gridlines.LABEL_WEST: str#

The west of the prime meridian label.

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_N_SAMPLES: int = 360#

The default number of points in a line of latitude.

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_POLES_LABEL: bool = True#

Whether to generate a north/south pole label.

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_POLES_PARALLEL: bool = False#

Whether to generate parallels at the north/south poles.

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_START: float#

The first graticule line of latitude (degrees).

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_STEP: float = 30.0#

The default step size between graticule parallels (degrees).

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_STEP_PERIOD: float = 90.0#

The period or upper bound (degrees) for parallel step size.

geovista.gridlines.LATITUDE_STOP: float = 90.0#

The last graticule line of latitude (degrees).

geovista.gridlines.LONGITUDE_N_SAMPLES: int = 180#

The default number of points in a meridian line.

geovista.gridlines.LONGITUDE_START: float#

The first meridian line in the graticule (degrees).

geovista.gridlines.LONGITUDE_STEP: float = 45.0#

The default step size between graticule meridians (degrees).

geovista.gridlines.LONGITUDE_STEP_PERIOD: float = 180.0#

The period or upper bound (degrees) for meridian step size.

geovista.gridlines.LONGITUDE_STOP: float#

The last graticule meridian (degrees).