Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021, GeoVista Contributors.
# This file is part of GeoVista and is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD license.
# See the LICENSE file in the package root directory for licensing details.

"""Download, cache and load geovista sample data.

.. versionadded:: 0.5.0


from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import lazy_loader as lazy

from geovista.cache import CACHE
from geovista.common import LRU_CACHE_SIZE, MixinStrEnum

    import netCDF4 as nc  # noqa: N813
    from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

# lazy import third-party dependencies
nc = lazy.load("netCDF4")
np = lazy.load("numpy")
pooch = lazy.load("pooch")

__all__ = [

"""The default type of cloud amount mesh."""

PANTRY_DATA: str = "pantry/data"
"""The registry key for the pantry data."""

# TODO @bjlittle: Use StrEnum and auto when minimum supported python version is 3.11.
[docs] class CloudPreference(MixinStrEnum, Enum): """Enumeration of mesh types for cloud amount. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ LOW = "low" MEDIUM = "medium" HIGH = "high" VERY_HIGH = "very_high" MESH = "mesh"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SampleStructuredXY: """Data container for structured surface.""" lons: ArrayLike lats: ArrayLike data: ArrayLike = field(default=None) name: str = field(default=None) units: str = field(default=None) steps: int = field(default=None) ndim: int = 2
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SampleStructuredXYZ: """Data container for structured volume.""" lons: ArrayLike lats: ArrayLike zlevel: ArrayLike data: ArrayLike = field(default=None) name: str = field(default=None) units: str = field(default=None) steps: int = field(default=None) ndim: int = 3
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SampleUnstructuredXY: """Data container for unstructured surface.""" lons: ArrayLike lats: ArrayLike connectivity: ArrayLike data: ArrayLike = field(default=None) face: ArrayLike = field(default=None) node: ArrayLike = field(default=None) start_index: int = field(default=None) name: str = field(default=None) units: str = field(default=None) steps: int = field(default=None) ndim: int = 2
[docs] def capitalise(title: str) -> str: """Capitalise each word and replace inappropriate characters. Parameters ---------- title : str The string title to be reformatted. Returns ------- str The capitalised title. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ title = title.replace("_", " ") title = title.split(" ") return " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in title])
def _cloud_amount_dataset(fname: str | CloudPreference) -> nc.Dataset: """Download unstructured cloud amount data. Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name of the netCDF resource to load. Returns ------- Dataset The open netCDF dataset of the required cloud amount data. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/c768/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) return nc.Dataset(resource)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def cloud_amount( preference: str | CloudPreference | None = None, ) -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured cloud amount data. Load Met Office LFRic c768 unstructured cubed-sphere quad-mesh cloud amount data. Parameters ---------- preference : str or CloudPreference, optional The cloud type, which may be ``low``, ``medium``, ``high``, ``very_high`` or ``mesh``. Defaults to ``mesh``, the c768 mesh with no data payload attached. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ if preference is None: preference = CLOUD_AMOUNT_PREFERENCE if not CloudPreference.valid(preference): options = " or ".join(f"{item!r}" for item in CloudPreference.values()) emsg = f"Expected a preference of {options}, got '{preference}'." raise ValueError(emsg) preference = CloudPreference(preference) fname = "" dataset = _cloud_amount_dataset(fname) # load the lon/lat cell mesh lons = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_node_x"][:] lats = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_node_y"][:] # load the face/node connectivity connectivity = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_face_nodes"] start_index = connectivity.start_index data = name = units = None if preference != CloudPreference.MESH: fname = f"cloud_amount_{preference}.nc" dataset = _cloud_amount_dataset(fname) variable = f"{preference}_type_cloud_amount" data = dataset.variables[variable] name = capitalise(data.long_name) units = data.units data = data[:][0] return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity[:], data=data, start_index=start_index, name=name, units=units, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def dynamico() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load DYNAMICO icosahedral unstructured mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The hexagonal/pentagonal unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat hex cell grid lons = dataset.variables["lon_bnds"][:] lats = dataset.variables["lat_bnds"][:] # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["ps"] name = capitalise(data.long_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, lons.shape, data=data, name=name, units=units )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def fesom(step: int | None = None) -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load AWI-CM FESOM 1.4 unstructured mesh. Parameters ---------- step : int, default=0 The time-series offset. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{fname}") dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["lon_bnds"][:] lats = dataset.variables["lat_bnds"][:] shape = lons.shape n_cells = shape[0] emsg = ( "Unable to create FESOM pantry sample, as spatial points have " f"different shapes. Got '{lons.shape=}' and '{lats.shape=}'." ) assert shape == lats.shape, emsg # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["tos"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units # deal with the time-series step steps = dataset.dimensions["time"].size idx = 0 if step is None else (step % steps) # construct the masked connectivity based on protocol of # repeated identical trailing spatial values being used # to identify padding to fill the fixed number of points # for all cells lons_mask = ~np.array(np.diff(lons), dtype=bool) lats_mask = ~np.array(np.diff(lats), dtype=bool) emsg = "Unable to create FESOM pantry sample, as cell point masks are not equal." assert np.array_equal(lons_mask, lats_mask), emsg mask = np.hstack([np.zeros(n_cells, dtype=bool).reshape(-1, 1), lons_mask]) connectivity =, dtype=np.uint32).reshape(shape) connectivity.mask = mask return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity, data=data[idx], name=name, units=units, steps=steps )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def fvcom_tamar() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load PML FVCOM unstructured mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["lon"][:] lats = dataset.variables["lat"][:] # load the face/node connectivity offset = 1 # minimum connectivity index offset connectivity = dataset.variables["nv"][:] # load the mesh payload face = dataset.variables["h_center"] name = capitalise(face.standard_name) units = face.units node = dataset.variables["h"][:] return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity.T, face=face[:], node=node, start_index=offset, name=name, units=units, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def icon_soil() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model (ICON) global 160km resolution (R02B04 grid) triangular mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. References ---------- Sourced from Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat triangular cell grid (radians) rlons = dataset.variables["clon_vertices"][:] rlats = dataset.variables["clat_vertices"][:] # convert from radians to degrees lons = np.rad2deg(rlons) lats = np.rad2deg(rlats) # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["SOILTYP"][:] name = capitalise("soil type") units = "1" return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, lons.shape, data=data, name=name, units=units )
@lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def _gungho_lam(fname: str) -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh. Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name of the resource to load. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/lams/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["gungho_node_x"] lats = dataset.variables["gungho_node_y"] # load the face/node connectivity connectivity = dataset.variables["gungho_face_nodes"] start_index = connectivity.start_index return SampleUnstructuredXY(lons, lats, connectivity[:], start_index=start_index)
[docs] def lam_equator() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over the equator. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] def lam_falklands() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over the Falkland Islands. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] def lam_london() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over London, UK. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] def lam_new_zealand() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over New Zealand. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def lam_pacific() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load a high-resolution LAM unstructured mesh located over the Pacific Ocean. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_face_node_x"][:] lats = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_face_node_y"][:] # load the face/node connectivity connectivity = dataset.variables["Mesh2d_face_face_nodes"] start_index = connectivity.start_index # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["theta"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity[:], data=data[:], start_index=start_index, name=name, units=units, )
[docs] def lam_polar() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over the Polar cap. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] def lam_uk() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the GungHo C4 cubed-sphere LAM unstructured mesh located over the UK. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and connectivity. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return _gungho_lam("")
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def lfric_orog() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load CF UGRID global nodal orography unstructured mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["dynamics_node_x"][:] lats = dataset.variables["dynamics_node_y"][:] # load the face/node connectivity connectivity = dataset.variables["dynamics_face_nodes"] start_index = connectivity.start_index # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["nodal_surface_altitude"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity[:], data=data[:], start_index=start_index, name=name, units=units, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def lfric_sst() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load CF UGRID global unstructured mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat cell grid lons = dataset.variables["dynamics_node_x"][:] lats = dataset.variables["dynamics_node_y"][:] # load the face/node connectivity connectivity = dataset.variables["dynamics_face_nodes"] start_index = connectivity.start_index # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["surface_temperature"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity[:], data=data[:], start_index=start_index, name=name, units=units, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def oisst_avhrr_sst() -> SampleStructuredXY: """Download and cache structured surface sample data. Load NOAA/NCEI OISST AVHRR rectilinear mesh. Returns ------- SampleStructuredXY The curvilinear spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat grid lons = dataset.variables["lon_bnds"][:] lats = dataset.variables["lat_bnds"][:] # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["sst"] name = capitalise(data.long_name) units = data.units return SampleStructuredXY(lons, lats, data=data[0, 0], name=name, units=units)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def nemo_orca2() -> SampleStructuredXY: """Download and cache structured surface sample data. Load NEMO ORCA2 curvilinear mesh. Returns ------- SampleStructuredXY The curvilinear spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat grid lons = dataset.variables["lont_bounds"][:] lats = dataset.variables["latt_bounds"][:] # load the mesh payload data = dataset.variables["votemper"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleStructuredXY(lons, lats, data=data[0, 0], name=name, units=units)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def nemo_orca2_gradient() -> SampleStructuredXYZ: """Download and cache point-cloud sample data. Load NEMO ORCA2 curvilinear mesh with gradient filter. Returns ------- SampleStructuredXYZ The gradient filtered spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat/zlevel points lons = dataset.variables["lon"][:] lats = dataset.variables["lat"][:] depth = dataset.variables["deptht"] units = depth.units depth = depth[:] name = "Depth" return SampleStructuredXYZ(lons, lats, depth, data=depth, name=name, units=units)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def usgs_earthquakes() -> SampleStructuredXYZ: """Download and cache the USGS HoloViz large earthquake dataset. Returns ------- SampleStructuredXYZ The spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ try: import fastparquet # noqa: F401 import pandas as pd except ImportError: emsg = ( "Optional dependencies 'fastparquet' and 'pandas' are required " "for the 'earthquakes' sample. Use pip or conda to install." ) raise ImportError(emsg) from None fname = "earthquakes.parq" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) # load the lon/lat points # see # and columns = ["depth", "id", "latitude", "longitude", "mag", "place", "time", "type"] dataset = pd.read_parquet(resource, columns=columns, engine="fastparquet") dataset = dataset[dataset.mag >= 2.5] # load the lon/lat/zlevel points lons = dataset.longitude.to_numpy() lats = dataset.latitude.to_numpy() zlevel = dataset.depth.to_numpy() data = dataset.mag.to_numpy() return SampleStructuredXYZ(lons=lons, lats=lats, zlevel=zlevel, data=data)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def ww3_global_smc(step: int | None = None) -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the WAVEWATCH III (WW3) unstructured Spherical Multi-Cell (SMC) mesh. Parameters ---------- step : int, default=0 The time-series offset. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/ww3/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat grid cell centres cc_lons = dataset.variables["longitude"][:] cc_lats = dataset.variables["latitude"][:] # load integer scaling factor for the grid cells cx_coord = dataset.variables["cx"][:] cy_coord = dataset.variables["cy"][:] base_lon_size = dataset.getncattr("base_lon_size") base_lat_size = dataset.getncattr("base_lat_size") # construct the grid cells dlon = cx_coord * base_lon_size dlat = cy_coord * base_lat_size fac = 0.5 x1_coord = (cc_lons - fac * dlon).reshape(-1, 1) x2_coord = (cc_lons + fac * dlon).reshape(-1, 1) y1_coord = (cc_lats - fac * dlat).reshape(-1, 1) y2_coord = (cc_lats + fac * dlat).reshape(-1, 1) lons = np.hstack([x1_coord, x2_coord, x2_coord, x1_coord]) lats = np.hstack([y1_coord, y1_coord, y2_coord, y2_coord]) # deal with the time-series step steps = dataset.dimensions["time"].size idx = 0 if step is None else (step % steps) # load mesh payload data = dataset.variables["hs"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, lons.shape, data=data[idx], name=name, units=units, steps=steps )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=LRU_CACHE_SIZE) def ww3_global_tri() -> SampleUnstructuredXY: """Download and cache unstructured surface sample data. Load the WAVEWATCH III (WW3) unstructured triangular mesh. Returns ------- SampleUnstructuredXY The unstructured spatial coordinates and data payload. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ fname = "" processor = pooch.Decompress(method="auto", name=fname) resource = CACHE.fetch(f"{PANTRY_DATA}/ww3/{fname}.bz2", processor=processor) dataset = nc.Dataset(resource) # load the lon/lat points lons = dataset.variables["longitude"][:] lats = dataset.variables["latitude"][:] # load the face/node connectivity offset = 1 # minimum connectivity index offset connectivity = dataset.variables["tri"][:] # we know this is a single step timeseries, a priori idx = 0 # load mesh payload data = dataset.variables["hs"] name = capitalise(data.standard_name) units = data.units return SampleUnstructuredXY( lons, lats, connectivity, data=data[idx], start_index=offset, name=name, units=units, )